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Single-line comments start with // and continue until the end of the line. Multiline comments start with /* and end with */.

// This is a single line comment
/* This is a
multiline comment */

These comments are completely ignored by the compiler and will not show up in the generated data pack. If you want to include a comment in the data pack, you can use the doccomment syntax.

/// This is a doccomment

Literal Commands

Literal commands are commands that are directly included in the output. They start with a / and are followed by the command.

/say Hello, world!

This will result in say Hello, world! being included in the .mcfunction file.


Functions are blocks of code that can be executed. They start with fn followed by the name of the function, parenthesis and a block of code. Optionally they can be preceeded by annotations. When a function has the pub keyword in front of it, it will be accessible from other files.

fn main() {
/say Hello, world!
pub fn hello() {
/say I can be called from other files!

This code defines a function called main that will be executed every tick.


Annotations are special attributes that can be attached to functions. They start with # followed by the name of the annotation in square brackets. Some annotations can have arguments assigned to them with the = operator. Currently, the following annotations are supported:

  • #[tick]: The function will be executed every tick.
  • #[load]: The function will be executed when the data pack is loaded.
  • #[deobfuscate]: The function will keep the original name in the output (path of the .shu-file followed by the function name).
  • #[deobfuscate = "path/to/function"]: The function will be named as specified in the argument.

Function calls

Functions can be called by using their name followed by parenthesis.

fn main() {
fn hello() {
/say Hello, world!


Functions from other files can be imported by using the from-import syntax.

namespace "foo";
from "./foo" import bar;
fn main() {
namespace "foo";
pub fn bar() {
/say Hello, world!

Multiple functions can be imported by separating them with a comma.

from "./foo" import bar, baz;

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements are used to execute code based on a condition. They start with if followed by a condition in parenthesis and a block of code. Optionally they can be followed by an else block.

if ("block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone") {
/say On stone
} else {
/say Not on stone

Execute Blocks

Execute blocks are used to execute a block of code in a specific context. They consist of the keyword you would pass to the /execute command followed the argument as a string in parenthesis and a block of code.

as ("@a") { // execute as all players
/say Hello, world!

Multiple execute blocks can be chained together by separating them with a comma.

positioned ("0 0 0"), in ("minecraft:overworld") {
/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:stone

Supported Execute Blocks

  • align
  • anchored
  • as
  • at
  • asat
  • facing
  • in
  • on
  • positioned
  • rotated
  • store
  • summon


Groupings are used to group multiple commands into one mcfunction file without declaring a new function. This can be used for commands that need to be executed atomically.

group {
/say Hello
/say World


The run keyword is used to evaluate the following expression and include the resulting command in the output.

run "say Hello, world!";

Lua Code

The lua keyword is used to embed Lua code in your ShulkerScript code. It can be combined with the run keyword to include the result of the Lua code in the output.

run lua() {
-- Lua code goes here
return "Hello, Lua!";